so I guess it makes sense to call this one ‘tornado’
About four weeks ago Scout decided to scare the piss out of me and her dad. Said fright was caused by her standing in front of us having a conversation one minute, then falling out and convulsing the...
View Articlehalf a dozen of one, six of the other and removing oneself from the queue
Six days ago you wrote, “Was it something I said?” Six minutes ago I wrote, “No, it’s because you have an iPhone, you douche. “Okay, unkidding: Send me your [most recent] number. I’ll dial it. I can...
View Articlewhere I’m from
I am from Break Something: A heart, a bone, a liver I am from bound and determined and from get the job done and from we don’t do fail I’m from one hand easy on the wheel and one hand tapping on the...
View ArticleI wanna scuttle a ship lost in a sea of truth
So I worked at this plant where I was a supervisor on night shift. As a completely unrelated (and maybe worthless, I’ll leave that to you to decide) aside, I’d like to tell you that –despite aggressive...
View ArticleA letter I wrote for A Thing.
Hello there, you— So I set a fire. That’s what you do in middle Missouri, it seems. You make a careful pile somewhere out in the back forty (‘back forty’ in this instance means ‘the pavers stacked...
View ArticleCosmic Circus Geek
In the last several months, while hysterical things were happening to our finances, I found myself fantasizing about money over and over. It’s not like you think. What I found myself fantasizing about...
View Articlethe little universe in a box and the small blue thing
When I was small, my paternal grandmother gifted me with a little yellow suitcase. When I left home to see the world at age eighteen, it was one of the things I left behind. Thinking about it now, that...
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